Our Mission & Vision
We are a Word-centered, Gospel-driven, Christ-exalting church that seeks to create a compelling community of maturing disciples that live on mission
for the glory of God and the good of the city.
for the glory of God and the good of the city.
We pursue this mission through the following means:
Word-CenteredBeing Word-Centered means three things. First, it means we don't add to the Word by thinking we need to do more than what the Bible says to grow the church. Second, it means we don't make less of it by thinking we need to ignore some of its more difficult teachings. And third, it means that the Word is our sole, infallible rule of faith that is inerrant and authoritative and the Word does the work of ministry as we stay centered on it.
Gospel-DrivenGospel-driven is our way of describing the centrality and urgency of the Good News - the only message that saves. The Gospel is simply the good news that Christ came, died, and rose again for sinners and that new life is available for all who repent and believe in Him. This message textures everything we do. From preaching, community-groups, outreach, events or anything. The Gospel must be present and seasoning the lives of all members of our local church.
Christ-ExaltingChrist-exalting could also be called Christ-centered. We want Christ at the center of our preaching, the center of our worship, and at the center of what motivates us to live on mission for Him. Jesus himself is the God of the Gospel, the prize of our salvation, and to glorify and enjoy Him forever is ultimately our chief end. Pursuing an exaltation of Christ in all we do is therefore a priority and distinctive we pursue in the life of our congregation.
It's all pretty simple, really. Our desire isn't to be flashy and put on major events that attract people into the church, but pursue these distinctives in order to create a compelling community that has an aroma of Christ. Christ Himself is what makes any community compelling. The centrality of the Word, being Gospel-driven and Christ exalting takes a special shape in our congregation. You will find we love gathering in homes. We love table fellowship with food. We relish theologically rich worship and expository preaching. We love our neighbors. We prize relationships over programs and events. You could summarize our approach to church life with Acts 2:42 (ESV), "And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers."